Rushville, IL

Public Utilities



The city implemented Electric Aggregation where the electric rates are bid out every year to get the lowest possible rate for the residents. Any resident can opt-out of this and get their electricity from whomever they choose.

Natural Gas

Name: Ameren Illinois
Location: Peoria, Illinois
Pipeline Source: Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Company (PEPL)
Gas Transportation available: Yes
Phone: 800-755-5000
Web Address:


Name: Frontier & CassComm
Location: Rushville, Illinois (Frontier) Virginia, Illinois (CasComm)
Service Type: Local Telephone Supplier
DSL: Yes
Fiber Optic:Yes
Switch Service: Yes
Phone: 800-921-8181 (Frontier) 8000-252-1799 (CassComm)

Water Department

The Water Department routinely monitors our drinking water for potential contaminants. We are dedicated to safe water.

Name: City of Rushville Water Department
Location: Rushville, Illinois (Schuyler)
Treated: Yes
Major Source: Wells
Hardness: 21 grain
connection Fee: Fees vary
Ph: 217-322-6603

Sanitary Sewer

Name: City of Rushville Sewer Deparment
Location: Rushville, Illinois (Schuyler)
Ownership Type: Municipal
Design Maximum Flow (mgd): 3.5
Connection Fee: Fees Vary

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Compliance Assurance Section - Plan Submittal

City of Rushville Collection System

Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance Plan

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